Friday, March 9, 2012

How come ps3 owners gets mass effect 2 dlc for free and xbox 360 owners have to pay?

This has been a question plaguing me for a long time, seeing dlc like Lair of the Shadow Broker, Overlord, the alternate companion costumes, and Arrival seems to always be free for anyone with a PS3 but not for us Xbox owners. Xbox 360 owners in my own opinion should rightfully get these Mass Effect DLCs for free since we can and have bought the first Mass Effect game played it loyally.

While the PS3 doesn't even have Mass Effect 1 on it and just gets the Mass Effect 2 DLC for聽free for so stupid reason. We Xbox 360 owners have have bought both Mass Effect games played them the least bioware or Mircosoft could do is let us loyal Xbox 360 owners have these DLCs for free to reward our loyalty to them all these years instead of ignoring us in favor of the PS3 owners.

What the hell!!!!

We Xbox 360 owners Deserve better!!!!!! then to pay anymore for stuff that should be free for us!!!!!!!!How come ps3 owners gets mass effect 2 dlc for free and xbox 360 owners have to pay?
First of all, Arrival and the appearance packs are NOT free on PS3.

Second of all, all that DLC on PS3 is not free, it's included. That's a huge difference. If you buy ME2 on Xbox 360 with all major DLC packs that are available on PS3 you still pay less than if you would buy a new PS3 copy.How come ps3 owners gets mass effect 2 dlc for free and xbox 360 owners have to pay?
Xbox likes money... Usually most DLC comes out on xbox first they sell it make tons of money off of it... then when it gets a few months old or they come out with new maps or DLC then they release the older ones on PS3 and since PS3 is free for online play and stuff they probably let it go for free. That is typically how it worked for other games.

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